Sunday, 29 January 2012

Awakenings (1990)

The first impression that I got from this movie was:

"OMG! not another old movie!.. this is sure going to be boring!"

but once the movie started, I actually found myself being really attentive and actually cried a number of times.

So here are some of my thoughts about this movie:

I was touched when seeing how Dr. Sayer (played by Robin Williams) did not give up on his search 
to "awaken" those patients who suffered from post-encephalitis lethargica
despite being ridiculed by his colleagues. 

Apart from that, I found myself reacting emotionally
when seeing a smile on Leonard Lowe's face (played by Robert de Niro) for the very first time
when he finally "awakens" after 30 years of slumber.

The music piece played in that scene enhanced the emotional feeling even more
as it gave out a very hopeful-touching feeling and it managed to get me engaged
and put myself in the patient's shoe.

It must have been an amazing moment to finally be able to move by yourself on your own will!
Finally able to smile, shake hands and have a two-way conversation with others!!

Imagine how the caregivers to these people must have felt?
Year after year of caring for them - hoping that they will be well again
but they do not even show the slightest signs of facial/bodily expression changes
nor have they spoken a single word let alone a sound;
then just when all hope seems gone, all of a sudden their senses came back!!

If it were me - I would be stunt for a moment -
thinking that I might have somehow traveled to another parallel world
where all my deepest prayers, hopes and wishes were answered!
and later will I only snap back to reality and realize:
"No - I am in the world where miracles do happen!"

But the thing that really struck me was the Doctor-patient relationship that occurred.

It struck me because, I saw compassion displayed in Dr.Sayer!
and it got me thinking - how many doctors are there out there now
that still have this mentality of "I would stand by my patients and find a cure in order to see them well again!"

and it's actually more amazing to me because
Dr. Sayer started off as being a person who disliked being around people
but after being around his patients, he changed and started to actually care for them!
Even after being attacked by Leonard,
Dr.Sayer did NOT even for a second have the thought of abandoning him!!

That my friend, is COMPASSION - compassion for people

In the few final scenes, we saw Dr. Sayer feeling hurt when Leonard returned back to his original state; this clearly displayed the amount of love and compassion he had for his patient.

Love and Compassion are NECESSITIES, not luxuries. Without  them, humanity cannot survive.
(Dalai Lama)

I would be honored if I were to be treated by a doctor who is very much like Dr.Sayer!!
In fact, it would be a great if I too were able to adopt this quality from him!!

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