Monday, 12 March 2012

The Fisher King (1991)

I personally found this movie to be quite enjoyable yet with a pinch of disturbed scenes.

In this movie, the nearest disorder that I can see Parry (Robin Williams) suffers from is
Dissociative Fugue and Schizophrenia which occurred after witnessing his wife being killed right in front of his eyes.

Symptoms of Dissociaitve Fugue:
1. Sudden unexpected travel away from home or one's customary place of work, with inability to recall one's past
2. Confusion about personal identity, or the assumption of a new identity.
3. Significant distress or impairment.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia:
1. Delusions
2. Hallucinations
3. Disorganized speech, which is a manifestation of formal thought disorder
4. Disorganized behavior or catatonic behavior
5. Negative symptoms: Blunted affect (lack in emotional response), alogia (lack in speech), or avolition (lack in motivation)

All of these were present in Parry.
1. He no longer teaches at the college that he was working in and stays in a basement.

2. His real name is Henry Sagan; but after the death of his wife he called himself Parry and thinks that he is on an important quest to retrieve the "Holy Grail" that has been stolen.

3. Throughout the show, it was shown several times that he was in distress whenever the red knight showed up.

4. Parry displayed at least 3 symptoms of schizophrenia throughout the movie. (e.g. seeing and hearing small flying people, the red knight, at the end revealed that he has catatonia stupor a year ago)

Causes of Dissociative Fugue:
It is usually linked to severe stressful experiences caused by traumatic events such as wars, abuse, accidents, and extreme violence - which is the case for Parry in this movie.

Prognosis of Dissociative Fugue:
Most Dissociative Fugue cases usually last for only a brief moment (a couple of hours or days) but there are cases which can last for months; it usually goes away on its own - this can be seen at the end of the movie after Parry woke up from coma.

Other interesting theme:

The power of friendship.
Parry and Jack needed each other to build themselves again whether they realized it or not.
Parry need to get over his traumatic experience through love and
Jack needs to get over his guilt feeling through a hope.

Throughout the journey, we see how their friendship progress as we see Jack started to live a better life again after being around Parry and helping him out in all ways including setting up a date for Parry.

We also saw Parry overcoming the traumatic experience as he allowed love to enter his life which was possible with the help of Jack.

I find this movie as movie that I would watch just for the fun of it.
It's really funny seeing Robin Williams being hysterical and entertaining the viewers in his own funny way.

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