Monday 9 April 2012

Gandhi (1982)

To start off, I was really not looking forward to watching a true historical events movie.
I've never been a big fan of it as I found it to be terribly a bore.
So this movie in a way had that boring element
but surprisingly, it was not that boring that I had to fast forward any of the scenes.
It was pretty bearable.

Now we'll look at some of my thoughts on this movie.

1. It got me quite interested in his life story!
Before this, I just know about Gandhi on a very surface level.
and like I said earlier - I'm not exactly into history so I did not bother to do more research on him.

But after watching this movie, it intrigued me to want to know more in depth about his journey
I want to discover, what was it that he saw that made him
so compassionate to fight for India's independence,
Why would he be so willing to be thrown in and out of prison so many times?
How was he able to tolerate all of this nonsense?

But what really got me thinking was -
How did he felt when India got her independence but only to end up in another war?
Did he felt that all his effort was for nothing and
that the people will never be able to change their violence ways?

It somewhat broke my heart when that scene was playing.
They have finally won like the biggest victory ever but
because of one issue they forgot about it and let their emotions run wild.

It hurt me when Gandhi said that "the only reason they stop is just to save the life of an old man."
That shows the brokenness felt by him - the people he once taught to about non-violence failed to truly ingrain that concept in their mind!

2. A modest yet very much respected person.
He was definitely someone to admire!
He gave up his luxury and walk down the footsteps of his people.
Everyone he encountered boasted about his works
but he subtly turn them down and even deny some of them.

He did not take pride in his doings because he does it out of true and pure intentions
not for the fame or popularity.
He just wanted to fight the injustice that was done upon his homeland!
For that simple resolution - he stooped down low and humbled.

Does not fight back with violence but through the means of peace.
It really amazes me how his action of fasting can be so influential to all the people in India.
How this one act can cause many to change their ways and follow his path.

I mean - I try to think about it in current times,
if someone was out there fasting until near death for a good cause of this country,
would the many people here even bother about it?
I for one would be honest and say I would most probably not!
So it really got me intrigued as to what kind of person was Gandhi that he was so influential?

There were other people who was also with him - fighting for the same thing,
but he stood out above the rest and managed to gain so many support from the people
despite how uninterested they were in his first speech as we saw so many people walked out of him
until the end only did people started paying attention.

I hated the ending!
It was just too cruel!!
Killed by his own kind - after all the things he did for India
He just got assassinated just like that!

Why was the killer not able to think far of the consequences of his action?
Did he really think that killing Gandhi would bring any benefit to anyone?
It just saddens me that this was the way the real Gandhi died.

In my opinion, this is quite a nice movie to watch to get an outline of the main events
that happened in Gandhi's life. It will provoke some thoughts in you when watching it
especially if you have little idea as to the history of the events (like me...)

Now that I have watched it - it really helped me to understand why he was
so greatly admired and looked up upon through generations.
He is no longer just a man who saved India in a peaceful way in my mind,
he has become more than that to me - he has helped me to understand what it means
to be a servant leader and to hold on to your virtue even in the toughest of times!
That will truly earn respect from people all around!

Generations to come will scarce believe that such 
a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.
Albert Einstein (Gandhi, 1982)

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