Monday 16 April 2012

Schindler's List (1993)

I think this choice of movie was a very nice one to close this whole module.

I was honestly afraid to watch this movie as it was something to do with the holocaust.
I for one do not enjoy shows that depicts human cruelty.
but I knew in a way that it will be somewhat a happy ending cause of the list!

So here are some things that caught my attention:

It amazed me that Schindler was so brave enough to stand up for the minority
and protect them although he was in a way with the Nazis.
And more so that he was a businessman - why should he care about the Jews welfare?
We always have this stereotype that businessman are a bunch of selfish people who only cares for themselves.
But he was not - he showed compassion for them
and went to the extent of saving them!

I am impressed of how smart the Jews people were!
They can think really fast on the spot to avoid getting killed!!
Even small children were able to catch that skill!
It impressed me a lot because they are in high stress situations
which according to research shows that it does impair one's performance and cognitive processes.
but their cognition was definitely not impaired at all - but it became more instinctive and sharp!

I was really brought to tears at the end of the movie.
It really touches my heart that he wanted to save more and wished that he could have!
He was willing to give up all of his possession to save the Jews!
But honestly, he already did his very best to save a whole lot of them!!
He went bankrupt in the midst of saving them!!
In my opinion, anyone who would give up their entire richness to save their "enemy"
is a rare kind and should be remembered throughout history for their deed!

Finally, would be somewhere at the end scene where Schindler gave a choice to the remaining Nazi soldiers to kill all the Jews that was in the factory or to just walked away and go back home like real man.
This scene we could really see Milgram's obedience experiment.
Once the Germans had lost and Hitler was dead, there was really no point in carrying out their duties
anymore as there is no more higher power to command them.

Here is an interesting fact on Milgram's obedience experiment:
It was somehow able to be conducted in the 21st century and here are the results:
but i'm sure you won't be surprised to see it!!

For those of you who have not watch this on Discovery - You can watch it at the link!

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